Battlefields of Today: Take 5 No more refugees
The fifth take of the Battlefields of Today: Environmental Refugees. A deleted scene from JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society.
The fifth take of the Battlefields of Today: Environmental Refugees. A deleted scene from JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society.
Anders Kijken is in december 2005 verschenen als inspiratie document voor een werkatelier dat de Provincie Noord Brabant en InnovatieNetwerk Groene Ruimte en Agrocluster organiseerden. Het essay, geschreven door Frank van Empel, is bedoeld...
Some people just don’t get it: sus-tai-na-ble de-ve-lop-ment. ‘Nonsense! No development can go on forever,’ they say. ‘There is a limit to the carrying capacity of the Earth. World population and the economy have...
The fourth take of the battlefields of today. A deleted scene from JES! Towards a joint effort society. Was pre-published on this website.
Politicians and businessmen have one handicap in common. They both are focused on the short term. They may have reason for that, but by short track thinking nothing is going to change. By Frank...
The second take of the battlefields of today. A deleted scene from JES! Towards a joint effort society. Was pre-published on this website.
Abu Dhabi is in the news as change-agent for renewable energy and environmental industry. The largest fossil fuel producer of the Unity of Arab Emirates is climbing fast towards the top of sustainable development...
(Escape From The Make-UP World II) The first part of this story was focused on experts, governors, managers and politicians as powers that want to control the lives of wilful individuals, but have to...
Why expectations almost never come true, why things work out in chaotic ways, and who’s to blame. By Frank van Empel Bluntly stated, more recapitulating than arguing, because it seems so clear in it...